Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dump truck delivering loam "dirt" for our playground


The loam was spread on the sides of our new playground in preparation for growing our new grass.  It is so exciting to be able to see some of the process.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

We're going on a Color Hunt..........................

What color will it be?     "red"

What did we find?

a red shovel
a red pail
2 red smocks
red flowers
2 red phones
a red train
2 red strawberries
a red cup
a red pepper shaker

a red cash register
a red pail
red binoculars
a red animal doctor case
a red caboose
a red magnifier glass
a red block
a red cup
2 red phones
& More...........

Go on a Color "Red" Hunt at your house and see what you can find.

Have Fun!

Welcome to Preschool in Miss Carol's Class

Lots of Preschool Fun 

What is your child's favorite thing to do in our class?