Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Leaf Man by Lois Elhert

We read the Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert who illustrated many different leaf creations throughout the book.  We took a walk around the school to gather some "Fall" items to make our own leaf creations.  We hung them on our Hallway bulletin board and we also made an iMovie that you can see below.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Halloween Sticker Pictures

The children have been working on becoming good writers.
                           1.  Think (of an idea)
                           2.  Draw (use lots of details in their drawings
                           3.  Label (label one part of picture)
Each of the children picked 1 Halloween sticker and came up with an idea of what they wanted to draw.  The drawings were all so creative and the children did a "turn & talk" with a friend about their picture.  The children all held up their pictures around the circle so everyone could see them.  Ask your child about their pictures.  So many wonderful ideas!

Mrs. Rogers

Mrs. Rogers' Shining Star


The children walked 12 or more laps around our playground. 

 Lots of fun!!

Flashlight Friday

Today we shut off the lights and used our new flashlights to read with a buddy.  The children were so excited!

Mrs. Rogers

The Troublemaker by Lauren Castillo

Today as a part of our Global Read A Loud, we read the Troublemaker by Lauren Castillo.  We talked about  who the troublemaker may be as we looked at the front cover of the book.  We turned and talked with a buddy about what was going to happen next after lots of things went missing. We also watched a You Tube video of what inspired Lauren Castillo to write this book.  Click on the link below to see her "adorable" inspiration.


We read another book by Lauren Castillo last week called "Nana in the City".  This story was about a boy who visits his Nana in the city that he thinks it's too loud, crowded and scary.  His Nana makes him a special cape to help him to be brave as he explores the wonderful City with her the next day.

The children drew pictures of what fear they would be able to face if they had a red cape.  Asks your child about the fear they would be able to face.  Lots of different ideas.


Mrs. Rogers


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Evacuation Day

Today we had an evacuation drill.  We walked down the street and went onto the bus for a ride back to school.  The school bus driver spoke to us about bus safety (sit down, quiet voices, arms and legs away from the middle isle).  She also showed us the emergency exits (there are a lot of them) and we went out the back emergency door with help from 2 adults.  The children did a wonderful job with our evacuation practice.

Walking to the buses with our buddies.

Mrs. Rogers