Our class accepted the challenge to be as trash free as possible today. I tipped over 1 of our barrells and used the cover the 3rd graders made to put on the other.
Most of the children in our class used reusable drink containers and containers/pouches for their snacks to be taken home. We only needed to throw away 2 wrappers and a dirty plastic container. There were 2 students that used a plastic water bottle and 1 student that had a plastic baggie, but thought they could take home to reuse for tomorrow.
We only used 1 paper towel to dry our hands today and only 2 wrappers and a dirty plastic snack container. needed to be thrown away.
Not much trash at all!!
Our class also composts each day and today we brought 2 apple cores and 2 banana peels to the cafeteria compost barrell. The biggest thing that I noticed was the difference using only 1 paper towel makes to dry our hands. We are going to continue to be as trash free as possible in our class.