Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Trash Free Tuesday

Our class accepted the challenge to be as trash free as possible today.  I tipped over 1 of our barrells and used the cover the 3rd graders made to put on the other.

Most of the children in our class used reusable drink containers and containers/pouches for their snacks to be taken home.  We only needed to throw away 2 wrappers and a dirty plastic container.  There were 2 students that used a plastic water bottle and 1 student that had a plastic baggie, but thought they could take home to reuse for tomorrow.  

We only used 1 paper towel to dry our hands today and only 2 wrappers and a dirty plastic snack container. needed to be thrown away.  

Not much trash at all!!

Our class also composts each day and today we brought 2 apple cores and 2 banana peels to the cafeteria compost barrell.  The biggest thing that I noticed was the difference using only 1 paper towel makes to dry our hands.  We are going to continue to be as trash free as possible in our class.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Our Newest KIndergarten Friend

Hadley joined our class today!  The whole class made Hadley feel very welcome as we told her about all our classroom activities.  We had lots of volunteers to show Hadley around.

We played a fun getting to know you game for all!  I asked a question and they either went to the sign that said Yes or No.  The only question that got all Yes' was Do you like Pizza?  

Thursday, February 22, 2018

February Vacation Fun

I hope you are all enjoying your Winter Vacation this week.  I attached a padlet to share our Vacation Fun with each other.  Look forward to hearing about everyone's adventures this week.  

See you Soon!  

Mrs. Rogers

February Vacation Fun

Friday, February 16, 2018

Dance Party

Our Class earned a "Dance Party" for filling our Kindness Jar.  We also enjoyed a special snack with our Valentine and 100th Day leftovers.  

Enjoy your Vacation!!

Technical difficulty with transfering my videos.  I will try to email some of them.  

Valentine's Day Fun




Thank you all so much for our wonderful Valentine gifts!  Mrs. Wronski and I love our "Teaching is a work of Heart" water bottles and the starbucks gift card.  It was such a nice surprise!  Thank you also for all the other gifts.  We so appreciate your thoughtfulness!  

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Global Play Day Fun

So many fun games and activities were brought to school for our day of fun.  
forts and legos
 driving cars down ramp
shark bite game
playing in the tent
building a big magnet tower
We only stopped "playing" for Meeting - to tell each other what we brought and snack/recess.   
So much Fun!

Here are some of the children's comments about Global Play Day heard throughtout the day.
"I love school!"
"This is the best day of my life!"
"Can I play with you?"
" I'll play with you!"
Mrs. Wronski, You should have saw our Fort Building!

Special Surprise........Mrs. Willa riding into our classroom on Roller Blades.....So Fun!!!