Wednesday, March 28, 2018

3rd Grade Play - Charlotte's Web

Connor's brother was "Wilber" in the 3rd grade play of Charlotte's Web.  Our Class was such a wonderful audience.  They got to put 5 warm fuzzies in our kindness jobs for doing such a great job.  it was a long show.

Congratulations to the 3rd grade students actors!
Such a fun show!

Preschool Reading Buddies

We read the books that we made to our Preschool Buddies today.  The kids said the preschoolers loved their books!

Lorenza and her brother Nico


Thank you so much Mrs. Kollias!! 
 We hope to come back and read to your Preschoolers again!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Crazy Sock Day

Today we talked about how we are all different and how we all wore different socks!
Fun, Fun, Fun!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Touch Tank Fun

Thank you so much to Ellen Goethel from Oceanarium!
So much Fun!!

Thank you TESPTO!!