Friday, December 9, 2016

The Marshmallow Challenge

We were given a bag of materials to build a tower that would stand on it's own with the marshmallow on top.  The materials were:
1 marshmallow
20 pieces of uncooked spaghetti
1 yard of tape
1 piece of string

This was a tricky, but fun challenge.  Two of our groups were able to make their tower stand up. 1 of them was a short tower that stayed standing for a long time and 1 was a tall tower that stood for a short time.

Thoughts about the Marshmallow Challenge

 Mason - ours stood up 
Alessia - it was fun being timed
Maeva - tricky 
Aoife - we tried our best
Jack - we tried our very, very best
Matthew - it was fun
Benjamin - we got to see other people's classes
Molly - we tried our very best
Sylvia - me and Cyra tried our very best, but it didn't stand up
Jed - I liked when we saw other people's towers
Cameron - we didn't have another idea
Dylan - sort of worried because ours didn't look like it would stand up
Jett - it was fun
Lucas - I liked going to the people's classes
Maddie - it couldn't stand up
Drew - it was fun

Some of our feelings about The Marshmallow Challenge

"it felt hard"
"worried if our tower wouldn't stand up"
"a little worried that we wouldn't make it in time"

Learning Walk Through

We walked through all of the classroom with the whole school.  We observed so many different towers and noticed many that were able to stand on their own and many that could not.

Some of our observations during the learning walk through were.....

"One of the towers was tall"
"one of the classes had one that looked like a teepee"
"i liked the mini one that we saw when we walked into one of the classrooms"
"a tower looked like a person"
"one of the classrooms had one that looked like a teepee and a house"

After seeing many of the different towers that were able to stand up, the majority of our class would like to try this challenge again.

Some things that they might do differently would be....................

"make it stand up"
"make a base on the bottom"
"make it a different way"take a stick 
"put lots of sticks on the bottom and tape them together and then tape a stick standing straight up and put the marshmallow on"
"add a little pasta and then the marshmallow and tape around the legs"
"make a little flat surface and stick it to the spaghetti so it would stand up"

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