Friday, June 22, 2018

First Grade Here We Come!

We recited our poem for all of our 1st Grade teachers as we visited all of their classrooms.

Mrs. Pickul

Mrs. Hancock

Mrs. Gouzie

Mrs. Truhart

Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Kuhn

Good Luck in First Grade!
Image result for rainbow heart
Mrs. Rogers

Guest Readers - Ollie the Octopus

Emma's mom and her friend came to read to our class today.  Donna wrote the book and Emma's mom illustrated.

Donna had us move like we were octopus'.

We used an Octoband to move like an octopus as Donna re-read parts of the story.

Thank you so much for being our Guest Readers, Bethany and Donna!!

Last Week of Art and Gym as Kindergarteners

Art with Ms. Duchak

Gym with Mr. Dienstmann