Friday, April 4, 2014

Green Day - St. Patrick's Day

Lots of fun on Green Day

The "Leprechaun" came to visit and made a mess of our room, but left gold chocolate coins to find.

 Sticker fun on shamrocks

Shamrock Lucky Charms for snack



Thursday, April 3, 2014

Dr. Suess Day

Mrs. B. from the office was our guest reader. 

We had rainbow fish for snack and graphed all the different colors we got when we took a handful.

 We watched the Cat in the Hat story on video
Miss Carol's daugther, Shannon, came to visit on Dr. Suess Day.



Valentine's Day Fun

We made heart shaped jello jigglers for our snack.


Pajama Day Fun

 We were extra cozy on pajama day.  Pajama's, nightgowns, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and more.



 Mini pancakes and cereal snack


Story time in the Library