Thursday, June 25, 2015


I was finishing cleaning our classroom and found the children's painting mats that we used all year.  Ofcourse, some of you may be just fine if they stay at school, but I will leave them on the round kitchen table in our room if you would like to come by for them.  I will most likely be here until 6:00 tonight and then again for a few hours tomorrow at some point.  Email me at if you want to coordinate a time. 

Have a wonderful summer!!

Miss Carol

Goodbye Picnic

It was so nice to see so many of our families at our Goodbye Picnic.  We have thoroughly enjoyed our year with your children. We have all learned a lot and had lots of fun doing so.

  Enjoy your summer!  

Miss Carol

Who Do You See?

We made our own class book for our blog just like Eric Carle did with Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  Enjoy!!

Click on the picture above to see our book.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Kindergarten Visits

Some of us visited Mrs. Craven's Kindergarten Class.

Some of us visited Mrs. Ragan's Kindergarten  Class.

Some of us visited Mrs. Martin's Kindergarten Class.  

We all got to eat in the Cafeteria.

The children had lots of fun going on our Kindergarten visits and to the Cafeteria.  As the time gets closer to Kindergarten in September, have your child look at these pictures again as a reminder of what's to come.

Beach Day Fun

Today was a perfect beach day for our class out on the field.  The children all wore different bathing suits and brought lots of different beach towels. We had some many fun activities. 
3 pools 
(1 with a slide, 1 with sea creatures, and one to "swim" in)
a sprinkler
shaving cream
beach balls 
& more

We had push up popsicles for a treat.  Thank you to Ruby's Mom!

Huck's Dad brought a tree frog to show us.  They found at their house. It was a beautiful green and yellow and climbed up his arm. The children asked lots of great questions and made lots of good comments about the tree frog.

Thanks for coming Mr. Prazar!

We ended our Beach Day fun with a game of Drip, Drip, Drop (Duck, Duck, Goose with water)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Excavator Day

We had a fun and exciting day with our Excavator Visit.  Mike, Kostas and Theo told us about all the things that make an excavator work. We listed some of the following:
bucket (teeth, thumb)

and so much more.

The children took turns sitting in the cab and pretending to drive the excavator.

Mike drove the excavator up onto  the flatbed trailer and made the bucket go up really high.

Thank you so much to Mike, Kostas & Theo for bringing the Excavator today.  The children had so much fun pretending to drive and learning so many things about what an excavator can do.

Picnic Snack Wish List - Thank you!

Thank you so much to the families who brought in juice boxes for our June picnics.  We could use small water bottles, individual snack packs, yogurt pops, etc.
Thank so much! 
( Now we just need the warmer days again.)