Thursday, May 31, 2018

Reading with Mrs. Hancock's First Graders

We practiced reading all of our books with Mrs. Hancock's Class.

Science with Mr. Prazar

We talked about how animals and people use their 5 senses.

We listened for a jingling ball under the "snow".

We went on a scavenger hunt to see what things didn't belong.
We went to the field to avoid the mosquitoes.
Ask your child what object was hidden the best.
(coat hanger)

the kids used their sense of hearing to find the matching sound in little canisters.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Raise the Roof Stem Challenge

The challenge was to make a sturdier roof that would hold weight.

Ask your child about our Stem Challenge Fun!

Enjoy the long Memorial Day Weekend!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Eat the Rainbow!

Our school nurse, Mrs. Rhuda, came to visit today to talk about eating the rainbow.  She tallied 6 items of the rainbow that our class had for snack today.  She is going to make a surprise visit in a couple of weeks to do another tally.  Everyone thought we could get 22 tallies.  Let's try to do it!!  Look for information in your students folder today.  Thanks so much!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Joppa Flats Fun

Wow!  What a day!  We had perfect weather for tide pooling!
Look for a Joppa Flats procedural writing assignment about our day at Joppa Flats to go home soon.  There were so many wonderful photographers on our field trip that I couldn't decide which pictures to add, so I added them all.  
A few more to come soon!