Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Puzzles, Puzzles & More Puzzles!!!

Puzzles, Puzzles, Puzzles!!!

Let's Find Out!

We have received all of our new Kindergarten magazines for the Fall.  The children loved the online lessons about Fall.  We did a sink/float experiment with lots of different Fall/Autumn items.  We made predictions and then tested each item in the water tank.  I completely forgot to take pictures today (Sorry about that!!).  We also went on a nature walk to "look up" and observe all the different trees and how they have changed since early Fall. 

Enjoy exploring our new magazine, "Let's Find Out!!"

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pajama and Stuffed Animal Day

Cat Nap

Recycle Lesson with Mrs. LeRoyer

Mrs. LeRoyer came to reinforce how we should dispose of our lunch items each day with a story, sorting activity and fun relay game.

Thank so much Mrs. LeRoyer!!

Poems with Andrew Green

 We can all write poems if we practice!


Andrew has a notebook that he practices writing his poems.

He has a small pocket notebook that he can carry on him.

The children came up with a variety of ideas about how to be kind.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Stem Challenge - Coding Mazes

 We are learning to "code" by using paper maps and making directions from start to end.  A little tricky, but fun!!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Veteran's Day Assembly

Our Class learned a special song to sing to our Veterans and were practicing while coloring our Veteran's Day books.  Thank you to Miss Swanson, our wonderful Music Teacher.  Such a moving song!

We have a special Veteran at Steward School.  Mrs. Monbleau (Reading Specialist) spoke about being in the Air Force.  She spoke about how caring for others was the thing she missed most about being in the Air Force.  She encouraged all of us to be kind and take care of others.

Sam's Papa came to our Assembly.  He was in the Army.  Thank you so much for your service to our country!

Thank you to all our Veterans who have served our country! We can never Thank You enough!!

Happy Veteran's Day!!

Image result for flag

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Measurement in Math

We were measuring things around our classroom by our footprints.  Your child will be bringing home one of their footprint cutouts home to measure things at home.  

Also, have hyour child measure different things by height, weight and length using  different words to describe (large, small, medium size, tall, short, long, short, long, longer, longest, etc...)

Audubon Fun with Stephanie

Stephanie from the Audubon came to visit and took us for a walk in the Audubon woods behing our school.  We stayed on the wide path and Stephanie showed us lots of different things.

Ask your child about our walk and the things we found.
  • Scat (poop)
  • snag (dead tree)
  • beech leaves (we made rubbings)
and more!!  So Fun!!

The kids did a tick check with a buddy, but please double check at home.
Thanks so much!!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

What do you see?

What do you see?

Preschool Reading Buddies

Last week we read our Fall and Halloween books to our preschool buddies.  Thanks so much for having us, Mrs. Kollias!!




Halloween Fun!

 Preschool Siblings paraded to our class.


 Bean Bag Pumpkin Toss

Witch Hat Ring Toss

Ghost Cups Towers


Pumpkin Bowling

 Halloween Parade and Party

Kindergarten & FirstGrade lining up for the parade