Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Readers Theater - The Three Little Pigs

We have been practicing our "scripts" for four different folktales.  Today we visited Mrs. Surprise's 3rd Grade class to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs. 

Alessia and her sister Grace.

More videos of other Folktale Readers Theater to come soon.

Friday, March 17, 2017

A very silly day in Kindergarten this afternoon

When we returned to our classroom after Library today, we got a big surprise.  Our classroom was turned upside down.  The children had lots of different ideas of what may have happened.  Ask your child about our silly afternoon.  Click on the link below for our video.

The children found special good luck clover coins and put our room back together so well.

We had lots of fun!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Kindness Jar

Our Kindness Jar is almost filled to the top so we will be having our first "Warm Fuzzy" class party next Friday, March 17th.  The children decided on a whole class "Show & Tell".  Please send your child to school with a favorite something from home that they would like to share with their friends.

Some of the wonderful Acts of Kindness:
helping a classmate 
letting a classmate play with them if asked
letting a classmate sit with them at lunch if asked
using kind words with classmates
checking on a classmate that hurt themselves
going over to the buddy bench to let someone play with them
and so much more

Some students are doing a version of our warm fuzzy Jar at home.  The children are highly motivated to get a "Warm Fuzzy".

Have A Wonderful Weekend!!

Wacky Wednesday

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Science - Sink & Float

The children made boats out of tin foil and tested them out.  They added plastic bear counters to see if it would still float.

We made predictions about whether some items would float or sink in water on a recording sheet with pencil and then re-recorded in marker after adding items to the water.

We explored a variety of items to see if they would sink or float.  Many were able to add items to another that would still float.

We tried to make clay boats that would float, but all of them sunk because they were too heavy.

Ask your children about our sink and float experiments.

Lots of fun!

Dr. Seuss Day

Chief  Haglund was our guest reader today.  He read the Foot Book by Dr. Seuss.  Chief also answered many of the children's questions about being a Police Chief.  We have 4 students in our class that have a Dad who is a police officer. 

We made a pledge to be a Junior Police Officer.

 Thank you so much for being our guest reader today Chief and thank you for all the wonderful gifts you brought for our class.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!